Monday, 1 September 2014

7 deadly sins.......Pride

McKitten suggested a series of posts around the seven deadly sins, so to get started im going to go with pride, and its place in my relationship.

Excerpt from wikipedia

"In almost every list pride is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of all the others, its is identified as believing that one is essentially better than others, failing to acknowledge the accomplishments of others, and excessive admiration of the personal self"

I have to say im not sure i  agree with the above statement, or perhaps it depends on how one is interpretation the meaning of pride.

I take pride in my submission because i want to be the best i can be, for myself and of course my Master, i take pride in what areas i know im good at, but i can also acknowledge what my faults are, being a mouthy sarcastic bitch at times would be one of those faults!.....there are many more lol

I would hazzard a guess that more people find it difficult to say "i am good at this, i know what im doing, and i do it well" because it may come across as being arrogant, being a know-it-all, but why shouldnt we take pride in our accomplishments?

However, stay on topic tori, pride as a sin....bloody hell, i am struggling with this!

Although i think having pride in oneself is acceptable, it can be taken too far, when one perhaps is full of self importance, and that trait is something that would not be welcome in my relationship, and i have been guilty of it, back in the beginning of this long journey...which i get frequently lost on.

When the bossman spoke to me of enslavement i became wrapped up in the idea of being a slave, not paying much attention to what it meant, it didnt matter what it a slave....go me!  I had a sense of being 'better' than those lowly submissives, i was super slave, would do anything, no limits....ok give me a break....i was deluded, it took a while for reality to hit me...and when it hit me hard....and ya know sometimes it still hits me hard today.

So looking back to my attitude then, it wasnt nice, i recall when we was with another couple and the other sub was being caned by her Master, and the bossman was going to cane me afterwards, i remember feeling quite smug because i knew i could take a longer, harder caning, which i did, and i was proud, not that it was competitive but still i was up my own ass and full of it....the bossman was not pleased with this attitude and i was brought down to earth in a not very pleasant way, he was not proud of me.

That sort of pride, yeah i can see it as a deadly sin, it doesnt make one like-able because its not nice.


  1. Interesting topic!

    Goes to show, too much of a good thing can turn bad.

    1. I thought so too, and its giving me a lot to think about.


  2. Replies
    1. thanks, and thankyou for the suggestion, its really making me think, 1 down, 6 to go lol


  3. Oh, I look your perception.

    Sometimes I wonder if that competitive drive is about proving to ourselves or proving to others. Such a fine line.

    1. thanks

      I have never considered myself competitive, but in that moment it was more that yes i wanted to be better...looking back, i didnt like myself then, or rather my attitude.

      Yes, a very fine line.


  4. Such a great topic and I love your take on it. I think a level of pride and self assurance is a good thing. But yeah .. too much, not so much, especially when it comes accross as arrogant.


    1. I agree, im enjoying this topic, its thought provoking.

      It is a difficult balance i think at times, being proud but yet without displaying arrogance.

