Monday 9 July 2012

I need to remember i was a teenager once upon a time

My son left on Sunday lunchtime to go to Barcelona on a school trip, his girlfriend arrived at our house at about 3pm she's a lovely girl and i invited her in and she promptly burst into tears apparently she doesnt know what she is going to do for a week without him...sigh...and deep breath..mantra going around in my head.."i was a 15yr old girl once..." over and over...but i wasnt like that..i was more a nerd and interested in my studies than i was boys but heck i can do this..yes i can....

ok well apparently i cant!  i just had this burning urge to give her a shake and pull herself together..he hasnt even been gone 4 hours yet! only been going out 5months..but apparently in teen terms thats a lifetime commitment..should i start looking for hats?  I offerred her something to eat..big mistake..huge mistake...she cant possibly eat her stomach is in bits..and i got a look as if to say do i know nothing.....well considering her every sentence ended with "you know" i think im expected to.    Of course it was difficult to actually have a conversation because her mobile kept going off  with text and facebook alerts "its my bezzies (translate to best friends) checking im ok"....oh dear lord.

Before she left she gave me her mobile number and is going to add me to her friends list on facebook (lucky me) with instructions to get in touch when i hear from him because he hasnt texted her once and its been "like 4 hours you know".....and i thought to myself..yes i do know..i know that he cant be doing with being hassled and putting up with drama, and i know she should step back and let him do the bloody chasing ..but i shut my mouth and smiled.


  1. Oh. My. Word.

    You're a better mom than I would have been, lol!


  2. hi ya kitty

    lol i doubt that very much, im not very good with handling girly teenage drama i dont think i was very comforting..lets just say im dreading when my daughter reaches the teens lol

    tori xx

  3. Good job stepping back and shutting your mouth, not an easy thing to do. I thought my daughter(now 22) would be the more difficult teen to deal with. I am now discovering my son(almost 17)is much harder.

    1. hi ya faerie

      No it wasnt easy shutting up, im quite proud of myself that i didnt say what was going through my head lol

      My son is 15 and so far (touch wood) its been relatively easy, my daughter at 10 is very strong willed so will just have to wait and see.

      tori xx

  4. I was pretty boy crazy at 15 too. I don't remember being that bad. My first real long term boyfriend was at 16-18 so I remember when that relationship ended so did the boy crazies.

    Why would her friends need to check on her? Is she going to hurt herself? Hmmmm...maybe I wasn't that boy crazy.

    1. hi Kat

      I dont think she would hurt herself, i think its just more that he is her first boyfriend and she is very insecure and well constantly needs confirmation from her peers that all is ok.

      I cant say i understand it because i just wasnt like that...late starter lol

      tori x

  5. I was into girls and snogging as early as 8 or 9, as I can remember, but I was never so deeply entrenched in "needing" to be with any of my girlfriends -- or even my ex-wife -- that I couldn't handle days or even weeks without seeing them. Granted, I didn't grow up in the ever connected world that is omnipresent now, so days without contact was expected.

    I'm lucky that Genius Child, at 14, is well adjusted in that regard. While he does send a massive amount of texts on his mobile, we have it configured to run through Google Voice on the house WiFi connection so as to avoid additional charge issues.

    Should one of his girlfriend's ever have a similar reaction as your son's girlfriend, I doubt I would be as level headed as you. Job well done!

    Stay SINful
    Mr. AP

    1. hello Mr AP

      I dont feel like it was job well done lol, i found it exasperating but amusing, the problem is he isnt as infatuated with her as she is with him so its only going to end in disaster which may potentially equal more teen drama...joyful lol

      tori x

    2. You offered what good you could and let her get on with dealing with it in her own way. If she attaches so strongly to every boy she fancies that she cannot handle some minor separation that is something with which she will have to learn to cope. Ultimately that drama will be something your son (and you by collateral damage) should only face a few times, whereas she and her mates will have to face it with every new relationship.

      If placed in your situation I would prepare my son as best I can for the eventual fallout and be there to support him as he needs it. But you're a good Mum. You'll handle it smashingly.

      Stay SINful
      Mr. AP
