Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Being humble

Im a submissive but im not always submissive.  I strive to be, it doesnt always happen or flow naturally and when these moments happen i seek to be re-centered, having rituals help, but sometimes i really need to have that feeling of being humble. 

I get this need to be at his feet, to kneel and to worship his boots then removing his footwear and socks i can spend countless minutes worshipping his feet, kissing and licking all over, this instills a sense of humbleness, its not sexual by any means, its about demonstrating who and what i am to him, to put aside any attitude, pride and arrogance, to demonstrate to him my deference to his dominance.

Sometimes its hard to retain being humble when we live in a society that places importance on celebrities, how we look, how much money we have, what we wear, what flashy car we drive, we live in a society where nearly everything can be obtained through credit so nothing needs to be worked for if you want it enough you take a loan or credit card out....success being measured by what you own.

I can understand that in some ways i am no different, im ambitious, my job is very important to me, i like nice things..who doesnt, i like my children to have nice things probably in fact more goes on them than myself, i like nice holidays etc etc and its easy to get caught up with societies expectations and to go along with my work colleagues and my friends, to keep up an image.  Sometimes i do get carrried away and i lose sight of what matters but more importantly i lose sight of who i am and what makes me happy, i do get an attitude and full of self importance and i need him to remind me of who i am.

So i will kneel at his feet.  To be humble.


  1. I love this post. If there was a like button, I would click it twice.

    1. Thanks lil....the thing is the post didnt go in the direction i planned but thats just the way it goes sometimes.


  2. I think we can all use a dose of humility now and then. I love kneeling and squeeze it in whenever I can - difficult as there are always others around. :)

    1. Yes i would go along with that, i love to kneel dont as much as i would to.


  3. Completely agree. It is important to remember what is really important and what makes us really happy :)

    1. hi Joolz

      Yes its too easy to lose sight of whats important and what makes us happy so occassionally there is a need to focus on that.


  4. hi tori

    i love the feeling you get from kneeling and worshipping His feet it definitely centres one...smiles

    blossom x

    1. hi blossom

      It certainly does, and its a lovely feeling and getting to worship other areas is a bonus lol


  5. A beautiful post and a lovely reminder. Thank you.

    Stay SINful
    Mr. AP

    1. Thankyou very much Mr AP

      I sometimes need reminding more often than i should.


  6. A lot of poetry in blog land today and this one was pretty great! Thanks for posting this today - an nice way to end a rough day.

    1. hi kitty

      There is a lot going around at the moment...must be something in the air lol but then you do find i think that reading others posts triggers your own ideas/thoughts etc well thats what happens to me.

