Thursday, 4 July 2013

I hate making decisions

My son and 5 of his friends are off to stay at the villa in the Algarve for 2 weeks, they are all 16, and its taken a lot of thought, discussion with fellow parents to make the decision that they could go....just havent told them that yet.

There good kids, but still as his mum i worry, have i made the right decision? 

Its that feeling of being torn between accepting that i have to start 'letting him go' but also wanting to keep him protected, safe, he has been abroad before without us, school trips and skiing with friends and their family..but this will be the first time without direct adult supervision....and yeah im thinking of all the worst scenarios.

Im tempted to let them have the first week and fly out myself on the 2nd week.....i dont know!

There is a couple we and my son knows really well who are close by, they are out there all summer and they have said they will check in on them twice a day so im reassured by that, that they have support there if neccessary....but still its not the same....oh heck i dont know if im trying to convince myself i have made the right decision or im trying to talk myself out of it..and change my mind.

Some friends of mine have said im bonkers letting a group of teenagers go abroad on their own and some have been supportive, saying they are sensible kids, its their opportunity to prove they can be responsible...but heck at the end of the day they are just children.


sometimes being a parent isnt easy, and the older they get the more harder it seems to be.


  1. Hi Tori :)

    Wow mama bear to the rescue lol I so get it, I found it hard to let my rugrats loose. There always is that " what if" in the back of my mind, but they have to learn to fly, no matter what.

    I hope you find some ease of mind with your decision. I know it was hard to make :)

    Hugs x

    1. Its been awful not knowing if im making the right decision but my brother has offerred to go with them so im feeling more relaxed about it now there will be an adult there.


  2. I dread the day I have to make decisions like this. My decisions right now are simple. Yes you can play next door. No you can't play outside until they catch the rabid fox/es (true story, he's been terrorizing people!)

    16 is a tough age. So responsible yet so... 16.

    Wishing you peace with your ultimate decision!

    1. Oh chickadee sometimes i wish i could go back to those days, they really do go by so fast, still worry but its a different kind of worry....they have to grow up i know that but still its difficult to adjust more i think for the parents than it is the children lol


  3. That is such a tough decision! But you know what is best for your family. As parents, we do the best we can with the knowledge we have. Good Luck with your decision!


    1. Yep you are right, we can only do our best, and hope it works out for the best.

      My brother is going with them now so i feel much better about it.


  4. First, I had to look up where Algarve looks beautiful there! I can completely understand your conundrum. I find that so difficult! Giving my children freedom, to make good choices AND to screw up ... while giving them the support they need. But to let them be independent,'s soooooo hard. So many times I question and re-question. UGH. Then there's the worry when they're gone...I hope your Sir will help you through (hint hint)!!

    hugs....HUGE empathetic hugs!!!


    1. It is a beautiful place, i would definitley recommend it.

      Yep thats me question and then re question but i think better that than not giving a shit! lol

      My brother is going with them now so im more happy and content with the decision now..but yeah its difficult.


  5. Replies
    1. its been hard wandering what to do....and i have had sleepless nights worrying about it, but feeling better about it now.


  6. Nothing on earth is as stressful as parental decisions like this!

    Good luck. I'm sure that he'll be great if you let him go--his mom taught him well.
    Of course, I can say that with such annoying confidence because he isn't my baby. If he was, I'd be exactly where you are.


    1. It was so much easier when they were babies lol

      thanks lil, he is a good kid and i think i have done ok with him, but still its a worry....and i know i have to let him go..but i also want to hold on for as long as possible lol

