Thursday 26 July 2007

an introduction to this part of my life

not sure really where to start, i wasnt really keen on this whole blog thing but He asked me to do it and so here i am not having a clue what to write, so a good start would be a basic introduction to my life as a slave, was most relieved when He said i wouldnt be held responsible for what i write, good job really because at times i might have at a rant at Him knowing im safe here

what being a slave means to me:

being able to completely let another person have control over certain elements of my life, and full control when we are together, the freedom of having no choice in what will happen, its an important part of my life because in many ways it is when i am most comfortable with who or what i am

sometimes its difficult to let go and relinquish control because we are in a society where most aspects of bdsm are frowned upon and deemed as depraved, and its hard to admit at times to myself that i like and enjoy some more of the extreme activities and theres so much i havent tried that excites me yet scares me

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